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Finales a Cheval

Online Roulette Guide

Play Finales a Cheval at these Casinos

The Finales a Cheval bet (or Finales with Splits) is the more complex of the 2 Finales bets (the other bet being Finales en Plein). You’ll need to play on a variant that allows call bets (such as Premier Roulette Diamond or Roulette Master for example) to play this. Not all variants offer it, as generally only advanced players will be interested in playing it.

Table Layout : Finales a Cheval Bet on 4,7

finales a cheval bet

Play the Finales en Plein at Monkey Casino

In a Finales a Cheval bet, you make a series of split number bets or a combination of split bets and straight up bets to cover numbers that include 2 numbers of your choice. Depending on which numbers you decide to pair, this bet can be a 3 chip bet, a 4 chip bet or a 5 chip bet.

You might bet Finales a Cheval on 3 and 6, for example
In the first case, that would be a bet on 3,13,23,33 and 6,16,26,36.

It depends on how the numbers lie on the betting table as to whether you can cover them with split bets, or you need to place some straight up bets as well. In the example above, you would bet: 4 splits as follows:

3/6, 13/16, 23/26, 33/36

If you bet Finales a Cheval on 8 and 9, you’d make the following bet:

8/9 Split, 18 Straight Up, 19 Straight Up, 28/29 Split.

In some roulette games they call a Finales bet that includes single number and split bets a Finales Cheval Plein bet. It’s just a matter or terminology really, we prefer to group all the finales bets that include some split bets as Finales a Cheval.

1. Finales a Cheval on 7,10 or 8,9 can be covered with 3 chips. The payout is 17:3.
2. Finales a Cheval on 2.5 can be covered with 4 chips.
3, Finales a Cheval on 4.5 needs 5 chips

Table Layout: Finales a Cheval Bet on 7,8

(some casinos call this Finales Cheval Plein).

finales a cheval bet

If it sounds complicated, that’s because it isn’t easy to explain this bet in words. The best thing to do is to head to the advance betting options of Premier Roulette Diamond and have a play around. Just clear the bets after you have tested the different combinations, and you’ll get the hang of it pretty soon. Hit the “EXPERT LINK” in the bottom right nav bar and a little button should pop up saying “CALL BETS” at the top of the betting area.

A List of All the Finales a Cheval Bets

Finales a Cheval 0/1
Min. 5 Chip Bet
All numbers ending in 0 and 1,
0/1, 10/11, 20/21, 30, 31

Finales a Cheval 1/2
Min.5 Chip Bet
All numbers ending in 1 and 2,
1/2, 11/12, 21, 22, 31/32

Finales a Cheval 2/3
Min.5 Chip Bet
All numbers ending in 2 and 3,
2/3, 12, 13, 22/23, 32/33

Finales a Cheval 3/4
Min.6 Chip Bet
All numbers ending in 3 and 4,
3, 4, 13/14, 23/24, 33, 34

Finales a Cheval 4/5
Min.5 Chip Bet
All numbers ending in 4 and 5,
4/5, 14/15, 24, 25, 34/35

Finales a Cheval 5/6
Min.5 Chip Bet
All numbers ending in 5 and 6,
5/6, 15, 16, 25/26, 35/36

Finales a Cheval 6/7
Min.5 Chip Bet
All numbers ending in 6 and 7,
6, 7, 16/17, 26/27, 36

Finales a Cheval 7/8
Min.4 Chip Bet
All numbers ending in 7 and 8,
7/8, 17/18, 27, 28

Finales a Cheval 8/9
Min.4 Chip Bet
All numbers ending in 8 and 9,
8/9, 18, 19, 28/29

Finales a Cheval 9/10
Min.4 Chip Bet
All numbers ending in 9 and the numbers 10, 20 and 30, minimum number of chips.
9, 10, 19/20, 29/30

Finales a Cheval 0/3
Min.4 Chip Bet
All numbers ending in 0 and 3,
0/3, 10/13, 20/23, 30/33

Finales a Cheval 1/4
Min.4 Chip Bet
All numbers ending in 1 and 4,
1/4, 11/14, 21/24, 31/34

Finales a Cheval 2/5
Min.4 Chip Bet
All numbers ending in 2 and 5,
2/5, 12/15, 22/25, 32/35

Finales a Cheval 3/6
Min.4 Chip bet
All numbers ending in 3 and 6,
3/6, 13/16, 23/26, 33/36

Finales a Cheval 4/7
Min.3 Chip Bet
All numbers ending in 4 and 7 (except 34),
4/7, 14/17, 24/27

Finales a Cheval 5/8
Min.3 Chip Bet
All numbers ending in 5 and 8 (except 35),
5/8, 15/18, 25/28

Finales a Cheval 6/9
Min.3 Chip Bet
All numbers ending in 6 and 9 (except 36),
6/9, 16/19, 26/29

Finales a Cheval 7/10
Min.3 Chip Bet
All numbers ending in 7 and the numbers 10, 20 and 30,
7/10, 17/20, 27/30

Finales a Cheval 8/11
Min.3 Chip Bet
All numbers ending in 8 and the numbers 11, 21 and 31,
8/11, 18/21, 28/31

Finales a Cheval 9/12
Min.3 Chip Bet
All numbers ending in 9 and the numbers 12, 22 and 32,
9/12, 19/22, 29/32

The Best Casino and Variant for Finales a Cheval Bets?

You should head to a Premium variant and switch on the expert mode ( eg Bellagio Roulette).
Try Wombat Casino.