Snake Bet

find this bet on some of the more premium variants like Premier Roulette Diamond, but it is easy enough to make anyway- it´s called The Snake Bet just because of the pattern that the chips make on the table.
It’s more of a novelty bet, to be honest, like the 007 bet, but if you like playing dozens, it’s really just a variety of this- a another way of quickly covering 12 numbers including roulette 9, the number 19, 23 and 27: or just under a third of the wheel. The Random 7 bet is another “fun bet”, (or should we say “lazy bet”)
Roulette Table Layout Showing the Snake Bet
The Snake Bet is basically another Dozen Bet on the following: number 1, 5, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 23, 27, 30, 32, and 34. Some people think that this is a “sucker bet”, but it is no different to betting on any other dozen, or any other 12 numbers for that matter. The odds are the same- the only difference is that you can call this bet out in many casinos, and the more premium online roulette games will have an option for you to place this in their expert bets sections.
So, for example, in Premium Roulette Diamond, make sure you are on the Expert layout (button in bottom nav bar), and then click on the Call Bets button just above the numbers on the betting layout. This bet comes up along with others like Voisins du Zero and Tiers du Cylindre.
On some tables the “snake bet” is depicted as two-headed snake, with one head near the 1 and the other near the 34. On these designs, yo can just place your chip on the head of the snake (either one). If you are looking for yet another way of covering 12 numbers, you can also try the Chip Bomb bet – make two 6 chip Chip Bombs and you will cover the same area.
Bet 12 units as Follows
1, 5, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 23, 27, 30, 32, and 34.
Odds of winning: 12/37, 32.4% or 1:3.08.
House Edge: 2.7% (European), 5.4% (American)
If any single number hits, the payoff is 35:1. of course, you have bet 12 in the first place.
So it´s the same as the dozens bet, if you think about it . You woud put 12 down. You win 35, and get your winning chip back which makes 36. Essentially a 2:1 payout overall.
The Best Casino and Variant for The Snake Bet?
You´ll need a roulette variant with expert bets. the best one for the Snake Bet is Premium Roulette Diamond which is a European Roulette variant with an expert roulette bets options. Play it at 32Red.