Alternatives to Las Vegas
The Alternatives To Las Vegas: From your Smartphone to Macau

While many roulette players head to Las Vegas to play, this can be costly and often unaffordable if you don’t live near there, let’s face it. It’s not exactly a cheap city when you get there. In this day and age, this is less of an issue with all the mobile roulette computing power many of us carry around in out pockets these days. Nowadays, gamblers can play their favourite games and titles online, and get a great experience in the comfort of their own home on their mobile, tablet or desktop.
The big growth in roulette gaming has been on mobiles and tablets. Your smartphone can now serve as real-time gambling portal. No need to travel across the Atlantic to the bright lights of the Vegas strip! And with increasingly interactive dealers and lots of bonuses and welcome packages on offere, this is now a real alternative to heading to Nevada.
While Vegas is undoubtedly the spiritual home of gambling (well, maybe Monaco trumps it if we are just talking roulette), London is the capital of casino gaming in the UK. For UK gamblers, it’s an ideal alternative to the bright lights of Vegas, with a host of branded chain casinos and a smattering of by private member clubs such as the Ritz, Les Ambassadeurs and Aspinalls. Or you can just head to Leicester Square and pop in to The Casino at the Empire or the even better Hippodrome Casino.
If you are want to travel but prefer to head east rather than west, you may want to check out Macau which is now the largest gambling hub in the world. Read out Galaxy Macau review where we took in some Italian food, some roulette, some fine wine and a bit of live music. While Las Vegas has retained a great sense of fun (there’s probably more to do on the entertainment front in Vegas), Macau casinos are tailored towards serious professionals and ambitious players. So despite the fact that the territory as a whole reported a significant drop in Macau gambling revenues in the final financial quarter of 2014 after years of double digit growth, the sheer size, scope and lucrative nature of this Chinese city make it a must-see.
Plus you may see some familiar casinos here. The Venetian in Las Vegas has a sister in Macau. Only it´s bigger! And Crown resorts from Australia have invested heavily here – try the City of Dreams for example.