Download Roulette Software

If you are playing roulette online on your laptop or desktop, the most feature rich games are packaged up in roulette software which you normally download as an executable file. The casino games are then stored locally on your machine, which makes for a faster, more feature rich experience as the only communication that is needed between your PC and the casino’s servers, is for the game result.
Only download software from reputable casinos- we spend quite a bit of time here checking roulette download software to make sure that it is malware and virus free. Downloading the software on to your machine is a bit like downloading a roulette app on to your phone.
The other option, of course, is to play a no-download roulette game in your browser. These will generally be Flash games or HTML5 games. With faster connection speeds, the quality of these games is very good, but you’ll still get the “Rolls Royce” experience if you download the software.
Most casino download clients work across Windows powered and iOS (Apple) powered machines. Check out our Mac roulette page if you have an iMac or iBook and you are having difficulties.
Pros and Cons of Downloading Casino Software
You have 2 choices if you want to play online roulette. you can download free casino software from reputable casinos, or you can play in your browser on a non-download roulette flash or HTML5 games.
The advantages of downloading the roulette software are as follows:
Great game range.
Higher game quality (graphics and sound).
Download roulette will run faster on slower connections- less choppy.
Higher quality graphics and features as there are less constraints for the game designers.
Other benefits include featured tournaments (which often require the downloaded version).
Many casinos incentivise their players to use the download version with higher bonus offers and weekly promotions.
The casino software should be free to download.